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How you could support us

Donate Online 

Make an online donation with the donate button just below or at the top right of the page. 100% of your donation goes directly to saving lives in Yorkshire.


Are you hosting an event, fete or fair that you'd like for us to attend? 

 Or maybe your entering an event where you can raise money for a good cause? We would love for you to consider us.

To find out more get in touch by emailing us


Are you a business that can support us? This is not always giving money. Are you a printing company that could assist in providing publicity material to help more people know about us? Or a garage that could support the maintenance of our vehicles? 

Email us if there is something you could help us with


easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. 

Sign up today and nominate YORKSAR as your charity of choice by clicking below

We want to say a massive THANK YOU to all the people/companies that have already supported us in many ways. Your donations have already helped in the search for several missing people throughout Yorkshire and the Humber. Without your help this would not be possible!

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